Organised by Oxfordshire Adult Learning – the county-wide community education programme. Full details here: http://www.abingdon-witney.ac.uk/course/?code=QCXM269P&year=A18/19&title=Photography+walks+-+Oxford+City+the+old+and+the+new
In a nutshell…
Course Details
Time: 10:00 – 15:00 | Day: Saturday | Date: 06 Jul 2019 | Start: Oxford Adult Learning Cowley
Course Overview
A practical one day course enabling you to understand how to use your digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera’s controls and functions to create great pictures.
Course Content
On this course we will introduce you to the use of shutter speed, aperture, ISO and other main controls, as well as looking at picture composition and design. In addition the accompanying photo-walk will provide opportunities to use these skills as you develop an understanding of what would make an interesting photograph and how to select the appropriate camera settings to achieve it. Please note that this course involves some walking and you will have to carry all of your gear with you for the session. For this session please bring Digital SLR or SLR camera, camera’s manual (if available), notepad and pen. Remember weather can be unpredictable so please bring suitable outdoor clothing and a rain cover* for your camera. (* covers are available commercially but a plastic carrier bag with a hole cut in it and rubber band to hold it in place, will often suffice). Please note this course is not suitable for compact cameras.