A practical workshop exploring ways of taking our personal projects to the next level

The difference between a successful project and making no progress is usually down to motivation, clarity, and networking. This practical workshop provides an opportunity to explore your own documentary photography ambitions, to benefit from the experience and interest of peers, to build a network of like-minded supporters, and to find the confidence to raise your game in the field.

Whether you have one short-term project, a series of many, a major long-term one, or too many ideas and not enough time, we will help each other to clarify their scope, fill in the gaps in our plans, identify the hurdles to realising them, then plan to address them, share our enthusiasm, and develop a team of willing supporters and ambassadors to keep us on track.

If you want to have more impact, reach wider audiences, realise a long-term ambition, take the next step in your career, bolster your reputation, or simply stop putting off something that you have meant to do for ages, then this small-group workshop could be ideal for you.

The session will be facilitated by Graham Wilson, a Tutor in Psychology at the University of Oxford, course leader in coaching, a photographer himself, and sub-editor of the Decisive Moment.

The workshop will take place in the Family Room of the Victoria Arms, Old Marston, Oxford.  Drinks and refreshments will be available from the bar throughout.  The participants will have dinner together at the end of the workshop to provide more time for personal networking, and informal conversation.

Date: Thursday 11th October 2018
Time: 2:30pm to 8:00pm
Venue: The Victoria Arms, Old Marston, Oxford
Contact: Graham Wilson