Street Photography [S] [13+]
Saturday 10 October 2020
09:30-16:00, £45
Tutor: Graham Wilson
“Well planned and paced day.”
Whether you want to document your own town or village, improve your travel photography, have new ideas for your family album, or you are a fan of the fast-growing art of street photography and want to try your hand at it, this whole day workshop will open your eyes to new possibilities all around you.
Street photography ranges from its purest form of candid images of people in their environment, through more formal but ad hoc portraits, capturing the details of a place that make it more memorable, to some aspects of architectural and landscape photography.
The group will spend most of the day walking around Woodstock (whatever the weather!), tackling a number of straightforward but informative tasks, reconvening for a chance to share experiences, short ‘tutorials’, and briefing for the next activity. The tutor will help you refine your images over the day, but also be on hand to help answer more general technical questions.
You will need to bring your own advanced digital camera (e.g. DSLRs, mirrorless, and Bridge cameras) and be reasonably familiar with using it as the emphasis will be on taking photos rather than instruction in camera controls. The workshop is not suitable for ‘point and shoot’ digital cameras or mobile devices.
Please be aware that you will be walking around Woodstock, and that the workshop will go ahead whatever the weather, so please dress appropriately. You will also need to provide your own refreshments (or buy them locally) during the day.
More details of the Marlborough School Community Education Photography Classes can be found here: https://www.marlborough.oxon.sch.uk/4788/photography
The booking/enrolment details are here: https://www.marlborough.oxon.sch.uk/733/enrolment-and-booking