Earlier in the month, I posted details of the first ‘pilot’ of my project “Sentient Souls”. The first set of images were of abused animals presented as photographers. Project: Sentient Souls – The Photographers – Utopia

Having bounced this off a couple of trusted individuals, I went ahead and produced a range of these studies: In the Library, The Artist, The Gourmand, The Hunter, The Singer, and The Laboratory. Along with an expanded set of notes, they are now available as a catalogue on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ZTVBmj

The Singer is the only set based around one species. Chickens have a repertoire of more than 24 calls used to communicate with one another. It seemed appropriate to give them a project of their own based on different forms of song…

After the book was produced, I was asked why I hadn’t included any turkeys. A very fair question. This led to a single image accompanied by a short story in the style of Orwell’s Animal Farm: Pilgrim’s Tale – A Christmas (and Thanksgiving) Carol – Utopia. However, in producing this image there a few alternatives that just didn’t hit the mark for me. One of these is the featured image above.