Flat Stanley was sent to Klint and Amanda from a primary school in Kansas. Unfortunately, he arrived a couple of days after they had left for the US to avoid travel restrictions due to Covid-19. The idea is that these coloured cut-outs are hosted by someone and returned by a certain date. So, I pulled together a few shots, added some captions, and produced a PDF “book” which was duly returned to the child responsible for sending him…
The pictures weren’t my best, but the concept is now proven… I’m tempted to offer something like this for the Marlborough School Fun Day.
Photo-Roman (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman-photo) – “A photo novel is a narrative genre close to comics, in which a succession of photographs, generally embellished with texts arranged or not in speech bubbles, leads the narration.”
We saw the major exhibition of Photo-Roman in Marseille a couple of years ago and I was quite emotionally impressed by the impact of the idea. Had resolved to have a go one day, but hadn’t had the excuse or need.
Ellas-Flat-StanleyIncidentally, this is my second Lockdown Project completed.