General Documentary

  • 75th Anniversary of VE Day – Commemorate
    Commemorate /kəˈmɛməreɪt/ verb – to recall and show respect for (someone or something).  “A wreath-laying ceremony was held to commemorate the war dead” VE Day (8th May 1945) This year, 2020, is the 75th Anniversary of VE (Victory in Europe) Day.  The war would continue for some time in Asia and the Pacific, but for many Britons and their ...
  • 75th Anniversary of VE Day – Pt 2 – Celebrate?
    (to be completed) Celebrate /ˈsɛlɪbreɪt/ verb – to acknowledge a significant or happy, day or event, with a social gathering or enjoyable activity. “To celebrate their joint birthday, they had a big party and two cakes”. The 75th Anniversary Before the coronavirus crisis, the Government had moved the May Bank Holiday from Monday to Friday to allow a three-day commemoration ...
  • A kind of Photo-Roman…
    Flat Stanley on VE Day, 2020 Flat Stanley was sent to Klint and Amanda from a primary school in Kansas. Unfortunately, he arrived a couple of days after they had left for the US to avoid travel restrictions due to Covid-19. The idea is that these coloured cut-outs are hosted by someone and returned ...
  • Burgess Field and Trap Ground Allotments, Oxford
    These two areas are good examples of re-greening initiatives, and attempts to improve biodiversity, within cities. Trap Grounds Allotments As with many other allotments, the site was used as a municipal refuse tip prior to the 1914-1918 war, and part of the site was still used for this purpose in the 1950s. Garden soil was then brought ...
  • Lower Heyford Village Fete 2018
    Thank you for joining in the fun of the fete and letting me take your photo in our pop-up studio. Don’t panic – these are only thumbnails!  You have not lost the top of your head.  Simply click on any thumbnail to open up large images in a “lightbox”. To download your image, wait until it appears ...
  • Middleport Allotments, Stoke on Trent
  • The Emotional Response
    When we look at an image it provokes a uniquely personal emotional response. The great photographers know how to stimulate this. The first step is to understand ourselves and to know where our own emotional responses come from. This short ebook looks at this process in more detail and then gives examples illustrating the kind ...
  • The Oxford Canal 1769-2019
    This is the 250th Anniversary of the passing of the Oxford Canal Act 1769 which created the enterprise that would build and manage the canal. Accounts vary slightly but the Nicholson map of the canal suggests that it is 69 miles long. My project aims to document the canal as it is today at 1 ...
  • Towpath Portraits
    A series of portraits representing the users of towpaths and footpaths adjacent to canals, rivers and similar water-courses. In the UK, a substantial proportion of drownings each year are of these users – few of whom ever intended being in the water. When someone unexpectedly enters water, they are likely to suffer from ‘cold water shock’ ...